I am currently looking for applied research positions in industry. Please see my CV and reach out if you think I may be a good fit!
Hello! I am an applied cryptographer1 working on the design and analysis of cryptographic protocols, especially in the context of blockchains.
I recently defended my PhD dissertation entitled “Practical Cryptography for Blockchains: Secure Protocols with Minimal Trust”, which was advised by Jonathan Katz at the University of Maryland and Giulio Malavolta at the Max Planck Institute for Security & Privacy via the Maryland-Max Planck Program.
In summer 2023, I was a research intern at a16z crypto, and the summer before that I was at NTT Research. I was also a recipient of the NSF Graduate Research Fellowship.
How to pronounce my name: No-Amy Glay-zer
- 2025-01-28: In writing my dissertation, I significantly reworked the formalism of naysayer proofs and clarified details in our main theorem and example constructions. The eprint version has now been updated with these improvements! Go check it out :)
- 2024-11-22: I am currently looking for applied research positions in industry in cryptographic protocol design and related areas. Please see my CV and reach out if you think I may be a good fit!
- 2024-10-28: I succesfully defended my dissertation, entitled “Practical Cryptography for Blockchains: Secure Protocols with Minimal Trust”!