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Signatures are used to ensure integrity.

A digital signature scheme consists of three algorithms: a key generation algorithm \(\mathsf{Gen}\) (or \(\mathsf{KGen}\)) that takes no input and outputs a key pair, a signing algorithm \(\mathsf{Sign}\) that takes a private key and a message and outputs a signature, and a verification algorithm \(\mathsf{Vrfy}\) that takes a public key, a message, and a signature and outputs 1 (the signature is a valid signature on that message) or 0 (the signature is not valid on that message).

Signature scheme syntax

  • \(({\sf pk}, {\sf sk}) \gets \mathsf{Gen}(1^\lambda)\)
  • \(\sigma \gets \mathsf{Sign}({\sf sk}, m)\)
  • \(\{0, 1\} \gets \mathsf{Vrfy}({\sf pk}, m, \sigma)\)

For correctness, we require that for all key (pairs) output by \(\sf Gen\) we have \(\mathsf{Vrfy}({\sf pk}, m, \mathsf{Sign}({\sf pk}, m)) = 1\).

It is known that OWFs imply (one-time) signatures (OTS).

One-time signatures (OTS) from OWFs [Lamport]

OTS in turn imply many-time (i.e., regular) signatures:

Many-time signatures from OTS

The construction is a bit involved so it is given in a separate document. The general idea is to make a depth-\(\lvert m \rvert\) binary tree of OTS keypairs. Then each parent is used to sign the pair of verification keys below it, and the signature on \(m\) consists of the \(\lvert m \rvert\) signatures on the path the bits of \(m\) from the root to a leaf.


A common paradigm for a signature scheme is to instantiate a signature as a NIZK PoK of the secret key (additionally incorporating the message). See the "Notes" section of the Schnorr signature scheme below for a discussion of how that scheme fits into this paradigm; another example is Picnic, a NIST post-quantum cryptography candidate, which is essentially a proof of knowledge of the preimage of a one-way function.

Digital Signature Algorithm (DSA)

DSA is an additive version of the Schnorr signature scheme (which can in turn be seen as a multiplicative version of DSA).

Let \(p,q\) be primes such that \(q\) divides \(p-1\) and \(G\) be a group of order \(p\) with generator \(g\). Let \(H\) be a hash function.

\(\underline{\mathsf{Gen}}\): return the secret key \(sk \gets\!\!\tiny{\$}\normalsize\ \mathbb{Z}_q\) and the public key \(pk := g^{sk} \mod{p}\).

\(\underline{\mathsf{Sign}(sk, m)}\):

  • choose a one-time key \(k \gets\!\!\tiny{\$}\normalsize\ \mathbb{Z}_q\)
  • compute a nonce \(r := (g^k \mod{p}) \mod{q}\) (if \(r=0\), start over with a different \(k\))
  • compute \(s := k^{-1} \cdot (H(m) + r \cdot sk) \mod{q}\) (if \(s=0\), start over with a different \(k\))
  • output the signature \(\sigma := (s, r)\).

\(\underline{\mathsf{Vrfy}(pk,m, \sigma := (s,R))}\):

Check that the following hold:

  • \(r,s \in \mathbb{Z}_q\)
  • \(r = (g^{u_1} {pk}^{u_2} \mod{p}) \mod{q}\), where \(u_1 := H(m) \cdot s^{-1} \mod{q}\) and \(u_2 := r \cdot s^{-1} \mod{q}\)

ECDSA signatures

ECDSA is the elliptic-curve version of DSA.

Let \(G\) be the base point of the elliptic curve, such that \(G\) has prime order \(p\). Use \(\times\) to denote scalar multiplication of an elliptic curve point. We use lowercase variable names for scalars and uppercase variables for elliptic curve points.

\(\underline{\mathsf{Gen}}\): \(sk \gets\!\!\tiny{\$}\normalsize\ \mathbb{Z}_p\) and the public key \(Q := {sk} \times G\).

\(\underline{\mathsf{Sign}(sk, m)}\):

  • choose a one-time key \(k \gets\!\!\tiny{\$}\normalsize\ \mathbb{Z}_p\)
  • compute \(R := k \times G\) (if \(R=0\)1, start over with a different \(k\))
  • compute \(S := k^{-1} \cdot (H(m) + sk \times R)\) (if \(S=0\), start over with a different \(k\))
  • output the signature \(\sigma := (S, R)\).

\(\underline{\mathsf{Vrfy}(Q,m, \sigma := (S,R))}\):

Check that the following hold:

  • \(Q,S,R\) are valid elliptic-curve points (and not equal to the identity)
  • compute \(U_1 := H(m) S^{-1}\) and \(U_2 := R S^{-1}\)
  • \(R = U_1 G + U_2 Q\)
  • DLog over elliptic curves

Schnorr signatures

Let \(G\) be an elliptic curve group with generator \(g\) and order \(q\) and \(H\) be a hash function.

\(\underline{\mathsf{Gen}}\): return the secret key \(sk \gets\!\!\tiny{\$}\normalsize\ \mathbb{Z}_q\) and the public key \(pk := g \cdot sk\).

\(\underline{\mathsf{Sign}(sk, m)}\):

  • choose a one-time key \(k \gets\!\!\tiny{\$}\normalsize\ \mathbb{Z}_q\)
  • compute a nonce \(r := g \cdot k\)
  • compute \(s := k + H(r || m ) \cdot sk \mod q\)

Return the signature \(\sigma := (s, r)\).

\(\underline{\mathsf{Vrfy}(pk,m, \sigma := (s,r))}\): return the truth value of \(s \cdot g =^? r + H(r || m) \cdot pk\).

Schnorr signatures can be viewed as a NIZK PoK of the discrete logarithm of the public key (i.e., knowledge of the secret key). Note that the Schnorr signing algorithm is essentially a standard sigma-protocol for DLog, made non-interactive with the Fiat-Shamir transform.


EdDSA is a variant of the Schnorr signature scheme for twisted Edwards elliptic curves.

BLS signatures

Let \(\mathbb{G}_1, \mathbb{G}_2\) be elliptic curve groups of order \(p\) generated by \(P, Q\), respectively, and \(e\) be an efficiently computable bilinear map on them. Let \(H\) be a hash function onto \(\mathbb{G}_1\).

\(\underline{\mathsf{Gen}}\): sample the secret key \(x \gets\!\!\tiny{\$}\normalsize\ \mathbb{Z}_p\) and compute the corresponding public key \(V := xQ\).

\(\underline{\mathsf{Sign}(sk, m)}\): Output \(\sigma := x H(m)\)

\(\underline{\mathsf{Vrfy}(pk,m, \sigma := (s,r))}\): check \(e(\sigma, Q) = e(H(m), V)\).

The scheme extends straightforwardly to (a robust, t-out-of-n) threshold signature. Parties receive Shamir secret shares \(x_i\) of the secret key, and the public key and partial public keys \(V_i := x_i Q\) are published for all \(i\).

To sign a message, parties that want to participate produce a partial signature (a share of the full signature) \(\sigma_i\) by signing using their share of the secret key. That is, \(\sigma_i = x_i H(m)\). The full signature is then

\[ \prod_i \lambda_i \sigma_i \]

where the \(\lambda_i\) is each party's Lagrange interpolation at 0. That is,

\[ \sigma = \prod_i \lambda_i (x_i H(m)) = (\sum_i \lambda_i x_i) H(m) = x H(m) \]

where Shamir reconstruction is happening homomorphically in the "exponent".

This scheme is also robust: the validity of the signature share \(\sigma_i\) can be checked by checking that \((Q, V_i, H(m), \sigma_i)\) is a co-Diffie-Hellman tuple (of the form \((Q, a Q, H, b H)\) where \(a=b\)).

CL signatures

Other types

Blind signatures

Blind Schnorr signatures

Designated-verifier (DV) signatures
Instead of being publicly verifiable, a signature can only be verified by a specific party (the DV). Message authentication codes (MACs) can be thought of as DV-sigs, since a secret key is necessary to verify a MAC, so only parties that know the secret key can perform verification.
Functional signatures
Lockable signatures
Structure-preserving signatures
Threshold signatures
signing/secret key is split into secret shares; producing a signature requires some threshold number of shares. A threshold signature should be indistinguishable from an ordinary signature. Additionally, no single party should ever learn the secret key.

Security Notions


Existential UnForgeability under adaptive Chosen Message Attacks, aka "existential unforgeability".

EUF-CMA game

  1. Challenger: \(pk,sk \gets \mathsf{Gen}(1^n)\)
  2. \(\mathcal{A}(pk)\) interacts with \(\mathsf{Sign}(sk,\cdot)\) (in polynomial time) – that is, it gets to see polynomially many valid signatures on chosen messages
  3. \(\mathcal{A}\) outputs a message-signature pair \(m^*,\sigma^*\)

\(\mathcal{A}\) wins if (1) \(m^*\) wasn't one of the messages on which it queried the signing oracle and (2) \(\mathsf{Vrfy}(pk,m^*,\sigma^*) = 1\); in this case, the game outputs 1.


Strong UnForgeability under adaptive Chosen Message Attacks, aka "strong unforgeability".

SUF-CMA game

Same as the EUF-CMA game, only the winning condition changes:

\(\mathcal{A}\) wins if (1) \((m^*,\sigma^*)\) wasn't one of the message-signature pairs on which it queried the signing oracle and (2) \(\mathsf{Vrfy}(pk,m^*,\sigma^*) = 1\); in this case, the game outputs 1.

This is a stronger definition than EUF-CMA, since the attacker can win by forging a signature on a previously-queried message \(m^*\) as long as the signature is different, for example by "mauling" a valid signature without changing its validity.

This might seem a bit odd -- what does it matter if the adversary produces a different signature? The message was already signed by an honest party, so the adversary isn't convincing anyone that the party signed something it didn't actually sign. However, this difference does end up being important in some applications where signatures are used as building blocks.

  1. By this we mean the x-coordinate is 0 (the y-coordinate is uniquely defined -- up to reflection over the x-axis -- by the x-coordinate).