Prover, Verifier, and Challenger costs in rollups

2 minute read


Read this note on HackMD here.

Let’s look at the costs (in terms of computation) and rewards (in tokens) of the main parties involved in a rollup (both zk and optimistic).


The prover $P$ (or as I will refer to it in the case of optimistic rollups, proposer) posts some updated state $y = f(x)$ to the blockchain (L1) after applying some update $x$. In a zk-rollup, $P$ also posts a SNARK $\pi$ that $y = f(x)$.


  1. Computing $y = f(x)$
  2. [zk only] Computing $\pi \gets {\sf SNARK}_f.{\sf Prove}(y, x)$
  3. [optimistic only] Collateral $c_P$ to back the claim that $y$ is correct
  4. [optimistic only] Engaging with any interactive challengers (i.e., bisection game)


  1. Pre-established reward $r$ if $y$ is accepted


The verifier $V$ runs on the L1 and determines whether or not to accept $y$. In an optimistic rollup, this means arbitrating the dispute if a challenge is submitted; in a zk-rollup, this means running the SNARK verifier.


  1. [zk only] Computing ${\sf SNARK}_f.{\sf Vrfy}(y, \pi)$
  2. [optimistic only] Resolving dispute (e.g., a step of the evaluation of $f(x)$ as determined by the bisection game)




The challenger $C$ monitors the rollup for any faulty submissions $y$ to challenge. In the case of a zk-rollup, there is no challenger role.


  1. [optimistic only] Collateral $c_C$ to back the claim that $y$ is incorrect (i.e., to back the challenge)
  2. [optimistic only] Engaging in an interactive challenge with $P$ (i.e., bisection game)


  1. [optimistic only] $P$’s collateral if $y$ is rejected

Who pays for what costs

  • $P$’s cost #1 (P1) will be covered by the rollup reward, so $r$ should be set so that $r$ > P1.
  • P2, if relevant, should also be covered by the rollup reward, so in zk-rollups, $r$ should be set so that $r$ > P1 + P2.
  • If $P$ is honest, P3 should always be returned.
  • If $P$ is honest, P4 will be reimbursed from $C$’s collateral, so $c_C$ should be set so that $c_C$ > P4.
  • V1 should be covered by users of the rollup service.
  • V2 should be reimbursed by the collateral of loser of the dispute, so in optimistic rollups, $c_C, c_P$ should be set so that $c_C$ > P4 + V2 and $c_P$ > C2 + V2 (see below).
  • If $C$ is honest, C1 should always be returned.
  • If $C$ is honest, C2 will be reimbursed from $P$’s collateral, so $c_P$ should be set so that $c_P$ > C2 (and in fact higher, see above).

These constraints determine lower bounds for the values of $r$, $c_P$, and $c_C$. The final lower bounds are bolded. The funding for $r$ (and V1) comes from transaction fees paid by users of the rollup service. This accounts for all the costs/rewards in the system.